2 min read
Building Startups, Building Your Legacy

I have a motto that sums up why I love entrepeneurship

Entrepreneurship should always have a goal, that should be translated into impact to society. We are sculpting our own legacy, a startup must be our stepping stone to build the future we want to live in, the future we want for our family and children.

Most people think of entrepreneurship as a way to make money. But that’s not enough. If you’re just chasing money, you’re missing the point. The real goal of entrepreneurship should be to create something that matters. Something that makes a difference in the world.

Think of it this way: your startup is a tool. It’s a tool for building the future. And not just any future, but the one you want to live in. The future you want your kids to grow up in. It’s a stepping stone, a way to leave your mark.

This mindset changes how you think about everything. You start to see your business as more than just a job or a paycheck. You see it as a piece of your legacy. That’s why the best entrepreneurs aren’t just trying to build successful companies, they’re trying to shape the world.

The irony is that this approach tends to make startups more successful. When you’re driven by a clear purpose, it resonates with people. Customers, employees, investors, they can sense when you’re building something bigger than yourself.

So when you’re starting a company, think about the long term. What impact do you want to have? What kind of world do you want to help create? Your startup is just the first step. Make sure it’s headed in the right direction.